Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category God’s Presence



In Proverbs 8:17 KJV we read “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” He is speaking here as wisdom personified. Now as we come to the New Testament we learn that Christ is both “the power of God and the wisdom of God” and He has “became […]

In The Dark Hour

In The Dark Hour

  Have you ever struggled through a dark night season where it seemed like when will this ever end? This happens in the natural, but it also happens in the spiritual as we encounter the forces of “the darkness of this age (world KJV)” Ephesians 6:12. In Mark 6:45-51 the disciples encountered such an experience […]

God On The Move

God On The Move

Today from Jeremiah 32:21 Rose introduces another of the prophetic writings God has inspired her with. Keep in mind that when God makes a prophetic statement, proclamation, or promise it is usually contingent on the response of those to whom He has spoken. Yes His word and promise will ultimately be fulfilled but by an […]

Master Of The Storms

Master Of The Storms

There are several times in the Gospels where Jesus had encounters with storms at sea. Keep in mind that two of the things symbolized by the sea are life and people; and some of the things symbolized by storms are adversities, opposition, and difficulties. In Matthew 14:22-23 Jesus sent His disciples on a boat trip […]

Treasure Beyond Wealth

Treasure Beyond Wealth

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels…” that is we have the treasure of Jesus Christ with the light, knowledge, and power He brings within these earthen vessels of clay, which like all vessels made of clay are weak and very fragile. In Romans 7:18 the Apostle said […]

Power From Above

Power From Above

Micah obviously lived in an environment where wicked and false prophets were leading God’s people astray; delivering God’s message to them he distinguishes himself as God’s prophet by saying, “But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord” 3:8. As God’s people we are promised power to live and act differently […]

The Shepherd

The Shepherd

Perhaps Psalm 23 may be the best known chapter in the Bible, portraying the restoration, leading, protection, and provisions of a shepherd. The purpose of this is to apply it to us as sheep, the recipients of our shepherd’s benefits. A later Psalm would refer to God’s people as “the sheep of His pasture” 100:3. […]

Fifty Days

Fifty Days

The Greek word Pentecost means fiftieth. It was the Jewish “Feast of weeks”, also known as the “Feast of harvest”, being celebrated fifty days after Passover according to Leviticus 23:16, and came to be known as Pentecost. This was one of three annual festivals that every adult Jewish male was to celebrate in Jerusalem, so […]

Help From Above

Help From Above

Psalm 121 begins with “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help” KJV. The punctuation in this version may be a little misleading; I rather like the ESV “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?” What was in the Psalmists mind when […]

The Shepherd Psalm

The Shepherd Psalm

Perhaps Psalm 23 is the best known chapter in the Bible. It compares the loving care and provision of Father God to His children with that of a shepherd caring and providing for his sheep. He leads the sheep to places where every need they may have is supplied. The phrase ”He restores my soul” […]