Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Love

It’s Time To Arise

It’s Time To Arise

“I will arise and go to my father,” Luke 15:18. This son known as “the prodigal” had wondered far away from the security, the safety, and the abundant provisions of home just like mankind had “wondered” far away from God and the abundance He had provided; this son was “living it up” in the “night […]

The Beauty Of The Lily

The Beauty Of The Lily

The Song of Solomon, ancient love poetry, can be very difficult for modern Westerners to understand. A love discourse between king Solomon and the Shulamite, which we rightly apply to Christ and the church; 2:1 is generally applied to the King (Christ) by the Christian fathers, but to the bride by Hebrew commentators. It seems […]

We Are Family

We Are Family

 While the word family only occurs one time in the King James New Testament (Ephesians 3:15), there are many references alluding to the fact that God views us (born-again Christians) as family, assuming the role of our Father, making us His children, and bonding us together as brothers and sisters. One of His greatest concerns […]

Jesus First

Jesus First

The whole idea of Jesus teaching in Matthew 10:37-39 is that He must be number one in our lives. In the previous verses He is not attacking family relationships. He is pointing out that there would be spiritual friction when certain family members choose to follow Him and others do not; those that have chosen […]

Service In The Kingdom

Service In The Kingdom

Today we are looking at another aspect of the kingdom of heaven, which is kingdom service. Hebrews 13: 15 which we touched on in the meditation about worship in the kingdom, draws our attention to the praise and worship aspect of living as part of that kingdom, but then verse 16 directs our attention to […]

Treasure of Love, Joy, and Peace

Treasure of Love, Joy, and Peace

During the Christmas season several outstanding words that are prominently used are Love, Joy, and Peace, each being a treasure in itself. God has brought all three to us as a gift in “the Man Christ Jesus” 1 Timothy 2:5. To have the love of family and friends is a treasure greater than earthly wealth […]

Satisfying Water

Satisfying Water

Continuing to focus on water we read in Revelation 21:6 “…I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.” Nothing can compare to clear cool water to quench the thirst of a hot laborer or a weary traveler! Other liquids may appeal to the taste buds, but they […]

Abundant Entrance Into The Kingdom

Abundant Entrance Into The Kingdom

2 Peter 1:11 says, “For so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” The kingdom Peter has in view here is the one represented by the stone in king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream which “became a mountain and filled the whole earth” Daniel 2:35. It would […]

His Faithful Love

His Faithful Love

On Valentine’s Day, which is a day dedicated to the expression of love, let us remember the love that God has shown to us, the strongest love ever known to humankind, unconditional and unending. He gives us a portrait of this love fitted to our human understanding in Hosea the prophet, whose wife had committed […]