Devotionals & Poems

Jesus First

Jesus First

The whole idea of Jesus teaching in Matthew 10:37-39 is that He must be number one in our lives. In the previous verses He is not attacking family relationships. He is pointing out that there would be spiritual friction when certain family members choose to follow Him and others do not; those that have chosen to follow Him and have experienced the spiritual rebirth and renovation must not compromise their relationship with Him or allow those family bonds to influence them away from their first love being directed toward Him, because if they compromise that relationship with Him they are not worthy (deserving) of Him (that is they are not comparable or suitable of being called by His name!) Loyalty to Him must be greater than that which we have for any other; true discipleship requires submission of our own interests and desires in favor of God’s.

Number One

-By Rose Hill

Jesus is number one; I’ll put Him first,

Life’s duties demand my attention but for Him I thirst.

Jesus is number one, first thing in my day,

I will talk to Him and ask Him the right way.

Jesus is number one, life presents many pleasures,

 But first I give some time to Him and get His spiritual treasures.

Jesus is number one, for my family I must bake,

But first I’ll read His Word, time alone with Him I’ll take.

Jesus is number one, there’s much work to be done.

But first I will praise Him for He’s the worthy one!

Scripture quotations are form the New King James version copyright by Thomas Nelson Co. and are used by permission.


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