Devotionals & Poems

A Place Prepared


In John 14:2-3 Jesus promised “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” This promise receives its richness from the Hebrew marriage customs in which the time of a betrothal (engagement) could vary considerably, during which time the groom would prepare a home for his bride while she prepared her trousseau. At the time of the marriage consummation the groom would escort the bride to their new home, met and accompanied by celebrating friends (see Matthew 25:1-13). So He has espoused His bride (the Church) who is supposed to be preparing her spiritual trousseau as a chaste virgin, waiting to be escorted by Him to the home He has prepared for her!

A Place For Me

-By Rose Hill

I hesitate and wonder if I really want to go,

To another place somewhere in a world I do not know.

I wonder how I’ll leave this world, and how that I will fly,

To that other world way far beyond, way past the deep blue sky.

And when I do arrive there, how I’ll know where should go,

Where to find my living place in a world I do not know.

Then one morning God spoke to me and said, “I am your friend”,

And I promised to be with you until the very end.

Remember when I went away I said troubled not to be,

For I go to prepare a place, a place that’s just for thee.

Oh how wonderful there is a place, in that beautiful land somewhere,

There is a home, a mansion rare, a place for me that’s there.

When I do get there I’ll not have to roam all around the glory land,

And wonder where I belong in that world that is so grand.

But there’s a place that’s just for me with some special things I love,

He’s prepared for me a perfect place in that bright home above.

O wonder of wonders I have a place He’s preparing for me,

I want to go and see my place when from this world set free.

So in my Savior I will trust, and with Him always stay,

I won’t have to wonder where to go for I know He is the way!

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright by Thomas Nelson Co. and are used by permission.

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