Devotionals & Poems

On Sowing And Reaping

On numerous occasions the Bible speaks of, or alludes to, seed sowing and harvest. Often, especially in the Old Testament, these are connected to promises made by God to His people concerning His blessing upon the harvest from their land. But in His wisdom and foresight there is usually an underlying spiritual concept that applies to His word, which still affects us today! Jesus made it clear in Luke 8:5-8 & 11-15 that seed sowing portrays sowing the word of God. Like hand-sowing natural seed however some may fall on unprepared or improperly prepared soil. Nevertheless when the seed is properly sown there will be a harvest. We could look at this process of seedtime and harvest in two different ways. First we sow the gospel, the word of God, into the lives of others, by word and deed, by which we bring in a harvest according to Psalm 126:6 “He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him”. Secondly I see it as sowing the word of God into our own life, both by looking into it privately and by submitting to those who minister it to and for us, until we experience the fruit of it. The Bible encourages continual sowing, Ecclesiastes 11:6, and widespread sowing in verse 1, with Isaiah 55:10-11 assuring us that just like the snow and rain fall from heaven and water the earth causing it to produce, so His word does likewise. These two verses along with Isaiah 32:30 and 30:23 form the basis of Rose’s poem for today,

The seed and the harvest

By Rose Hill

On many waters we sow our seed,

And to all God’s promises we take heed.

So when the river of His blessings overflows,

Then an abundance of harvest we will know.

When we as workers feast on the word,

It will bring a harvest like we’ve never heard.

Scripture quotation is from the New King James version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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