Devotionals & Poems

A Refreshing Fountain

The Bible is a book that uses many pictures or symbols to convey its true message. Water for example, an element well understood to be absolutely essential to life is often used to portray and explain the thirsting of the human spirit that can only be satisfied by the life giving and sustaining water of the Spirit of God. So in John 4 we have a picture of Jesus stopping by a well where He asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of the water that she drew from the well. While I’m sure Jesus was thirsty and needed a drink, His much greater desire was to offer her water that she could not draw from that natural well. When she expressed amazement that He, a Jewish Rabbi, would ask her, a Samaritan woman for a drink He replied “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you “give me a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water. ”, (verse 10 (cf. verse 14). In the course of the conversation she says “…Sir, give me this water…” verse 15. Did she receive it? I believe she did in fulfillment of His promise, and in turn she brought many others to Him to receive this water also, verse 39. Perhaps like this woman you have tried over and over again to find real satisfaction, peace, and contentment, only to find them ever elusive. Hear the words of the prophet Isaiah in 55:1 of the book bearing his name, “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters…” And in Revelation 22:17 as God brings His book to a close He issues the invitation one more time, And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires let him take the water of life freely.” Are you thirsty? Come to Him and ask Him, and He will give you too, that living water.

Living Water

By Rose Hill

Jesus said “Ask of Me,

And living water I’ll give to thee.

The water I give will satisfy,

And you will never have to die.

For I give to you life eternal,

To live with Me forever.

Scripture quotations are form the New King James Version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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