Devotionals & Poems

The Two Trees

In Genesis 2 is the story of two trees, the one was life giving and life sustaining, and the other would bring death and all the side effects that came with it. God clearly laid out the choice before Adam warning that he should not partake of the second tree if he would choose life. But in defiance of God’s warning he ate of the second tree which immediately separated him from life and fellowship with God, introducing physical death and all its side effects as a part of this world, which would be passed on to Adams descendants through all generations. His fate was sealed except for the love and mercy of God, who immediately began to reveal His plan of redemption, a plan that would be “finished” when Jesus died on the cross, John 19:39, to redeem all those who would come to him, John 6:37. This redemption begins at the moment we receive Jesus as our Savior, John1:12, and reaches its consummation when we get to heaven where Jesus is; it is here that we are once again introduced to the tree of life from which man was barred in Genesis 3:22-24, and will again have access to its fruit, Revelation 2:7; 22:14; indeed it appears there are multiple trees of life bearing their life giving harvest continuously. New life in Christ can be yours today.
The Tree Of Life
By Rose Hill
He who overcomes the Spirit doth say,
Will eat of the tree of life someday.
And all the victorious ones will hear,
A welcome home from their Savior dear.
The second death their lives will not touch,
For in their Savior they have put their trust.
Rejoice for in God’s house you have a place,
And will receive a crown for running the race.
Here in this life you have many sorrows,
But cheer up friend, there are better tomorrows.
So look beyond all the problems around,
And take the joy that in your Savior is found.
For he who overcomes the Spirit doth say,
Will eat of the tree of life someday.
And live forever, 1 John 2:25; Revelation 2:7.

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