Devotionals & Poems

Meekness (Beatitudes Part Three)

In Matthew 5:5 Jesus said “Blessed are the meek”. So how do we define meekness? It is not to be confused with weakness, indeed it is quite the opposite. The Greek word Jesus used here means mild and by implication humble, not weak. Looking at Bible examples of people who were meek I see it being associated with submissiveness and service. Look at Moses, perhaps Israel’s greatest Old Testament leader, but the Bible says “the man Moses was very humble (Meek KJV) more than all the men who were on the earth” Numbers 12:3. He did not seek the glory for being the spokesman for God, neither for his service! When spoken against and belittled he did not retaliate but rather prayed for his accusers, Numbers 12:13. Did he ever mess up? Yes he did, specifically at the rock in Kadesh, Numbers 20:1-13; but he was not dominated with such mistakes. Jesus also was filled with such meekness; He said “I am gentle (meek KJV) and lowly in heart” Matthew 11:29. He did not come “to be served but to serve” Matthew 20:28. He was submissive to the Father’s will (see Matthew 26:39). As a man “He learned obedience…” Hebrews 5:8; this word means He was attentive and hearkening, and implies compliance or submission. He was always seeking to do “the will of the Father who sent” Him John 5:30, and always sought to give God the glory, (John 14:10). Then there is the reward for meekness, “For they shall inherit the earth (or land.)” To the Jewish people this probably would be viewed as the physical land since the Old Testament dealt heavily in their inheritance of the land of Canaan. To us in the New Testament church I see it as part of our heritage in Christ where over-comers will sit with Him in His throne, (Revelation 3:21); and as children of the kingdom we are made “heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” Romans 8:17, meaning we are co-heirs with Christ of everything God has, including the earth!
By Rose Hill
Happy are you if you are meek,
And to be like Jesus you really seek.
For you will receive a brand new birth,
And you will inherit all the earth.
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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