Devotionals & Poems

Never give up (Parables of Jesus part twenty six)

In Luke 18:1-8 Jesus “spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.” In Luke’s account this is recorded on the heels of Jesus teaching about His return and the conditions on earth leading up to it, thus we can take encouragement to remain steadfast and not become disheartened by what seems to be a delay, knowing that He will come; meanwhile we should be unwavering in persistent prayer. He is looking for a people who are faithful, both in expecting His return, and in persistent prayer. This   parable is one of contrast rather than of comparison. The unjust Judge reluctantly avenged the widow because of her persistence, but God will “defend and protect and avenge” (Amplified Bible) His faithful children, not reluctantly but speedily; in spite of this He asks a question saying, “However, when the Son of man comes, will He find (persistence in) the faith on the earth?” verse 8 Amplified Bible. The parable is not teaching the use of vain repetitious speaking, thinking you will be heard for your “many words” Matthew 6:7, neither is it saying we should never ask for something the second time (remember even Jesus prayed the same prayer several times, see Matthew 26:44), rather I see Jesus teaching us to stand firm in faith on the word and the promises of God, having our eyes fixed upon Him. Romans 12:12 tells us to be “Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, (the Greek word here means pressure) continuing steadfastly (here the Greek word means to be earnest, to persevere, and to be constantly diligent) in prayer.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says “Pray without ceasing” (meaning uninterruptedly or without omission), I believe this is telling us that perseverance should be our daily lifestyle. Let Jesus have the final word here as He says, “Watch and pray” Mark 13:33.

God sees and hears

By Rose Hill

We must ask in faith believing,

Even when it seems we are not receiving.

We must not give up for the reward is great,

And we know God’s answer is never late.

Unless otherwise indicated Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright …1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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