Devotionals & Poems

Wealth or poverty (Parables of Jesus part twenty eight)

Weather you view the story in Luke 16:19-31 as a parable or an actual event the “bottom line” remains the same. Material wealth in itself should not be viewed as a sign of God’s favor and blessing, neither should the lack thereof, in itself, be viewed as a sign of His disfavor or judgment! God does bless and He does judge, but we cannot “judge” a person’s relationship with Him by these alone! The Bible teaches that those who have material wealth should share it with those who do not have, (see 1 John 3:17). Jesus said “you have the poor with you always…” Mark 14:7 cf. Job 34:19; James 2:5. Hear me, neither wealth nor poverty is a “ticket” to heaven, nor a sentence to hell; these are only determined by our relationship with God through Jesus Christ which is often reflected by our attitude toward wealth and poverty! When the poor beggar died he was welcomed into paradise, (which at that time was possibly the compartment of Hades-the place of the dead-reserved for the righteous until Jesus resurrection and their being taken to heaven itself) and was given a place of honor, seated with Abraham! When the rich man died he also was ushered into Hades but into the compartment reserved for the wicked until the judgment, at which time they will be assigned to an even worse place, and the description Jesus gives leaves no doubt that it is a place of eternal torment and punishment, cf. Mark 9:44, 46, 48. There is only one way to heaven and that is through a relationship with God through Jesus who plainly stated “I am the way…” John14:6. The Bible says “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” 2 Corinthians 6:2. In the Day of Judgment it will be too late; it will then be similar to the time of the bowl judgments in Revelation 15:8 when the temple is filled with the smoke of God’s glory and no one can enter – no prayers or intercession will be heard at that time. Compare the rich man’s plea in Luke 16:24-31.

True wealth

By Rose Hill

Are you rich in houses and land?

Those riches can quickly slip out of your hand.

What really will count on judgment day,

Is if you know Jesus who is the way.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James version copyright …1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. Used by permission.

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