Devotionals & Poems

Fifty Days

The Greek word Pentecost means fiftieth. It was the Jewish “Feast of weeks”, also known as the “Feast of harvest”, being celebrated fifty days after Passover according to Leviticus 23:16, and came to be known as Pentecost. This was one of three annual festivals that every adult Jewish male was to celebrate in Jerusalem, so the city was abuzz with people celebrating this feast. It was at this very same time that the Holy Spirit came upon the One Hundred and Twenty believers assembled in an upper room, with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and the appearance of “divided tongues as of fire” sitting on each of them, and with this experience they were clothed with the same anointing Jesus was clothed with while ministering here on earth (see Luke 4:18), transforming them into witnesses to Jesus (Acts 1:8). And Peter boldly declared “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call” Acts 2:39. Praise God the promise is to both Jew and Gentile and is until Jesus comes again.
By Rose Hill
They gathered together to wait for the power,
They didn’t know when it would come or what hour.
They were seeking the Lord for a whole ten days,
Hoping to learn of Him and His ways.
When suddenly there came from heaven a sound,
It was like a great wind rushing around.
Then there appeared tongues that resembled fire,
Now with God they were going higher.
For they knew they got what they were waiting for,
And into God’s presence they sure did soar.
They spoke in languages they never heard,
To miss such an experience they couldn’t afford.
The people were surprised saying what can this mean?
It’s the most amazing thing we have ever seen.
But some made a joke and decisively said,
They surely are drunk, about such things I’ve read.
But Peter stood up and explained it by saying,
It all happened because we were waiting and praying.
For God had promised us this great blessing,
And so with great power of speech I’m addressing.
These people said “brethren, what shall we do?”
Telling of the future God predicted to be true,
So many became aware of their need of God’s favor,
And three thousand souls came to receive their Savior.
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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