Devotionals & Poems

He is not here

The story of Christ’s Crucifixion is brought to us by all four gospel writers, but would be incomplete without the accompanying account of His Resurrection. Atonement for sin was made through His Crucifixion and the shedding of His blood, but New Life is obtained through His Resurrection! On that Resurrection morning more than two thousand years ago a group of brokenhearted women returned to the tomb where He had been buried to find it open with the stone door rolled aside; and as if that were not perplexing enough two men (obviously angels) stood by them in shining garments. The objective of these women was to show honor and respect to the one who died and they loved, which may have given them a certain sense of peace and satisfaction, but the angels said “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen!” Luke 24:5-6. The dead body that had been placed in the cold tomb could not give them fulfillment; only the Risen Christ could do that! John 20:11-18 gives us another detail concerning Mary Magdalene, who also saw two angels that asked her why she was weeping; but it was not until she turned around that she saw Jesus in New Resurrection life! Are you like those women returning to the old things of the past hoping to find some sense of fulfillment and satisfaction? You will only find what you are seeking when you turn around and see the Resurrected Christ. Will you turn to Him today, see His Resurrection splendor, and receive the New Life He is offering to you? His promise is, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” Acts 2:21.
He is not here
By Rose Hill
He is not here, Why do you seek?
In a place where there is much defeat?
He is not here bound by trouble and sorrow;
Look up for there is joy tomorrow.
He is not here, so why should you be?
For surely you can have the victory.
He is alive, Rejoice evermore,
For you He has opened heaven’s door.
Scripture quotations are form the New King James Version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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