Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category God’s Presence

The fruit of the Spirit (Part six)

The fruit of the Spirit  (Part six)

“The fruit of the Spirit is…joy” Galatians 5:22.The prophet Isaiah in a song of praise describes the abundant joy of God’s salvation procured through the Messiah, the Anointed one, Jesus, saying, “Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation” Isaiah 12:3. This leads us to the words of Jesus Himself in […]

A Son is given

A Son is given

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given…” Isaiah 9:6. To both the nation of Israel through whom the side of his natural linage came, and also to the Gentiles, thus to the entire human race, as the Scripture says in Luke 2:32 “A light to bring revelation to the […]

God’s loving care

God’s loving care

Psalm 34:18-22 is teeming with God’s truth of which we can only touch briefly in a short meditation. It begins by saying “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart…” which means your inner being, your feelings and intellect become crushed and broken; then it goes on saying, “…And saves such as […]

Christ’s advent

Christ’s advent

It is almost beyond our human comprehension that the Co-Creator of the entire universe would become an implanted seed, leaving the riches of heaven and be born of a woman into the poverty of fallen humanity; but “though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor…” 2 Corinthians 8:9. He was born in […]

Getting to know God (Part Nine)

Getting to know God (Part Nine)

In Exodus 17:8-15 Israel wins a great battle over their enemy, Amalek; their victory was not because they had superior military might, but it was by the hand of the Lord under whose banner they fought. We see this as we watch Moses hands, while raised to God (which could be seen as a posture […]

Getting to know God (Part six)

Getting to know God (Part six)

“The Lord is my rock” Psalm 18:2. In this verse we meet our God, the great “I Am”, as Jehovah Sela, our Rock. A rock is firm, strong, and stable, providing a solid footing upon which to build, as Jesus referred to in Matthew 7:24-25; God is the Rock of our salvation and the only […]

Getting to know God (Part five)

Getting to know God (Part five)

As we continue our journey of getting acquainted with God through some of His names and titles that are given to us in Scripture we must visit Psalm 23:1 where we meet Him as Jehovah Raah, which is my shepherd. To a people whose life and economy was deeply involved with sheep this would be […]

“Getting to know God” (Part Three)

“Getting to know God” (Part Three)

In Genesis 22:14 we meet “I AM” as Jehovah Jireh, meaning The Lord provides, or my provider. In this incident Abraham, known as “the friend of God”, James 2:23, is offering his son Isaac in sacrifice which was a test of his faith and obedience; when he had proved these to God by his obedience, […]

“Getting to know God” (Part one)

“Getting to know God” (Part one)

In Exodus 3:13-14 when God commissioned Moses, at the “burning bush”, to stand before Pharaoh, and to lead His people out of Egyptian bondage, Moses said, “when I…say to them The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, What is His name? what shall I say to them? […]

Pressing in

Pressing in

In Luke 16:16 Jesus said “…the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.” In another statement found in 17:21 He said “…the kingdom of God is within you.” Today the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom established within those who believe on Jesus as their personal Redeemer and Savior. […]