Devotionals & Poems

Getting to know God (Part six)

“The Lord is my rock” Psalm 18:2. In this verse we meet our God, the great “I Am”, as Jehovah Sela, our Rock. A rock is firm, strong, and stable, providing a solid footing upon which to build, as Jesus referred to in Matthew 7:24-25; God is the Rock of our salvation and the only sure foundation upon which to build our life. The Psalmists testimony in 40:2 is “He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps”. He is “the Rock of our salvation” in Psalm 95:1; then Psalm 62 2 and 6 both declare that “He only is my rock and my salvation…” In Numbers 20:10,11 we have the account of the time the people of Israel were thirsting as they journeyed through the wilderness at Kadesh Barnea and God brought water out of a rock through which they were satisfied and sustained, and the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 10:4 tells us “that Rock was Christ”, in other words their experience at that rock was another Old Testament foreshadowing, or picture, of Jesus who has become “the Rock of our salvation” bringing us a never ending fountain of living water, according to John 4:14. Then Isaiah 28:16 tells us that He is “a sure foundation”. If today you are sinking in the mire of this world, and thirsting because of the desert barrenness therein, His invitation is “come to Me and drink” John 7:37; He will bring you out of that horrible pit of miry clay and set your feet upon the Rock of His salvation! Not only is a rock firm, strong, and stable, but in a place where there are few trees a large boulder rock casts a shadow providing a place of shelter from the heat of day; again in Psalm 61:2 it is David that prays to God saying, “…When My heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” Isaiah describing some of the ministries of the Lord Jesus in 32:2 says He will be “As the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.”
Our Jehovah God
Part six By Rose Hill
When troubles are pressing on very side,
And you need a rock in which to hide.
I’m with you when the way is dark,
I’m Jehovah Sela your hiding rock.
I Am that! That’s who I Am!
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright …1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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