Many participate in “fasting” by abstaining from food, or from certain foods, for a period of time; it has also become popular to abstain from certain things like sports, media, etc. yet results seem minimal at best. In Isaiah 58 Israel also went through forms of “fasting” and seeking God, yet were asking “Why have […]
Joy In The Kingdom
Another asset of the kingdom of God is joy; and like righteousness, peace, and all the other assets of the kingdom, when you truly invite Christ into your heart as Savior the seeds of these kingdom qualities are planted within you. But like a garden must be cultivated, watered, fed, and weeded to produce the […]
The Garden Of Abundance
The Christian life is like a garden into which seeds have been planted to grow and become productive. God has been a “gardener” from the beginning having planted the first garden in Genesis 2:8 into which He placed man. The produce of the garden was to supply man’s nutritional needs, verse 9; and man himself […]
Abundant Entrance Into The Kingdom
2 Peter 1:11 says, “For so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” The kingdom Peter has in view here is the one represented by the stone in king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream which “became a mountain and filled the whole earth” Daniel 2:35. It would […]
Water is essential to life, being a necessity to every living organism. Water is a very fitting symbol of the Holy Spirit, as well as of the word of God. Water is cleansing, refreshing, life-giving, and life sustaining. Appropriately Jesus used water as a picture when He spoke of the Holy Spirit in John 7:37-39, […]
Righteousness In The Kingdom
Citizenship in the kingdom of God is by birth and naturalization (or adoption), the latter incorporating into it a new birth experience. Jesus said “I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew, from above) he cannot ever see – know be acquainted with [and experience] – the […]
Abundant Joy
In Philippians 4:4 we are instructed to “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice.” Then again in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to “Rejoice always.” The Christian life is intended to be a joy-filled life, and accordingly Jesus speaking to His disciples said “…that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy be […]
His Faithful Love
On Valentine’s Day, which is a day dedicated to the expression of love, let us remember the love that God has shown to us, the strongest love ever known to humankind, unconditional and unending. He gives us a portrait of this love fitted to our human understanding in Hosea the prophet, whose wife had committed […]
What Is The Kingdom of God?
This is the first in a series of meditations on the kingdom. A kingdom must have a king that is responsible for governing it, and ancient kings held singlehandedly all the functions of modern governments, executive, legislative, and judicial, with their word being the final authority in their realm. In a democracy government is (supposedly) […]