Devotionals & Poems

A Prepared Place


In Acts 1:11 Jesus had just been taken up from His followers when two men (we believe angels) brought this re-assurance, “This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” And when He so returns, 1 Thessalonians 4:17 assures us, “…we shall always be with the Lord.” He is the focal point of heaven’s splendor; however we are given some description of the beauty and provision of the place He is preparing for us in Revelation 21 and 22. It has foundations (it cannot be shaken or destroyed), a wall surrounds the city (it is safe and secure), there are twelve gates (we are given access into it), the clear river of the water of life flows there (a place of satisfaction and refreshing), the tree of life is there (abundant provision for every need), The walls are jasper, the foundations are adorned with gemstones, the gates are pearl and the streets are pure gold (a city of beauty and abundance), There will be no more curse (the effects of the fall eradicated), there will be no more sea (no more separation and turbulence), the glory of God is the light of the city, and there will be no night there (no more loneliness, bereavement, worry, anxiety, disappointment, despair, sorrow, suffering, or anything that night represents). Only over-comers (who through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony) will inherit it! What a place He is preparing: the question is, are you preparing for it?


-By Rose Hill

There’s a place somewhere that is our home,

When upon this earth we cease to roam.

It is a place of perfect bliss,

When we get there we won’t this earth miss.

The redeemed are going to that place,

The saved of every tribe and race.

We will see our Savior when we get there,

He is so beautiful lovely and fair.

We will see our family who have gone on before,

Friends and loved ones and many more.

Flowers and trees will be more real,

The glory of it all we will feel.

Streets of gold and mansions fair,

That’s what we will see when we get there.

Pain and sickness will pass away,

Yes it will be a brand new day.

Heaven is surely a wonderful place,

Full of beauty love and grace.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright by Thomas Nelson Co. and are used by permission.

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