David was anointed to be king over Israel in 1 Samuel16. Saul in an effort to retain his kingship sought to kill David who escaped to the cave of Adullam in 1 Samuel 22:1; then in chapter 24:1-3 he is staying in a cave in the wilderness of En-Gedi. One of these caves may have […]
Posts in category Spiritual
“I shall come forth as gold”
Many times in the Christian life there arise trials, difficulties, and adversities. As a child of God if you have experienced, or are experiencing these, 1 Peter 4:12-13 has a message for you: “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to […]
Cornelius, the Centurion
In Acts 10 we are introduced to Cornelius a Roman Centurion, which means he was a noncommissioned Roman officer with a hundred men under him. There is no indication that he was even a Jewish proselyte, but he believed in the Jewish moral teachings and apparently was a monotheist, believing in their God. However this […]
The calm assurance of trusting God
Psalm 62 is a great Psalm of encouragement to those trusting God through times of adversity and testing, those who are established firmly on the rock of salvation having the calm assurance that God is their defense, their strong tower of refuge and safety. When looking at his adversaries the Psalmist sees them as we […]
God’s Powerful Word
“The word became flesh and dwelt among us…”John 1:14. Just as God manifested Himself to the Hebrew people through the Tabernacle in the wilderness, so Jesus came to manifest Him to us by “Tabernacling” (or dwelling) among us so we can behold and experience His glory. He is God’s living and life changing word in […]
God’s Perfect Rest
“There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His” Hebrews 4:9-10. God’s work of creation followed by rest in Genesis 1-2 forms a perfect picture of His new creation in us “through the redemption that […]