Devotionals & Poems

The Place Of Peace

The Place Of Peace

In Psalm 119:165 the Psalmist cries out, “Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.” He had found a place where there is an abundance of peace (Hebrew Shalom, to be safe, figuratively well, happy, to have friendship and, abstractly, welfare, i.e. to have health, prosperity, and peace). Are […]

Attributes Of Jesus

Attributes Of Jesus

  In addition to the beautiful characteristics of Jesus enumerated in Isaiah 9:6, the scripture shows us numerous attributes that He extends toward us, and when we see these in Him they are a reflection of the Father; likewise when we see them in the father they are a reflection of Him, for He said, […]

And His Name Shall Be Called…

And His Name Shall Be Called…

The final name or title given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is Prince of Peace, which, in Isaiah’s language, meant that as Prince He would be the head person, such as a chief or captain, of Shalom which includes safety (and figuratively) well, happy, friendly (and abstractly) welfare, i.e. health, prosperity, and peace. As His […]

His Name Shall Be Called…

His Name Shall Be Called…

Part 4 The fourth title given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is Everlasting Father. This is not in conflict with God the father, for as Jesus Himself said in John 10:30, “I and My Father are one.” While being distinct personalities they share the same divine attributes. What can be said of the entire Godhead […]

His Name Shall Be Called…

His Name Shall Be Called…

Part 3 Today we are looking at the third of the five titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6, which is none other than “Mighty God” (Hebrew Gibbore Ale, a powerful warrior mighty in strength). Yes to Isaiah and his immediate audience this meant He would be powerful and mighty, equating Him with Almighty God; […]

His Name Shall Be Called…

His Name Shall Be Called…

Part 2 Today we continue our five part series on the titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6, looking at the second one, which is Counselor. Some see counselor being one title with wonderful (wonderful counselor), and the Arabic version does render it as such (with the Septuagint and Targum seeming to lean that direction). […]

His Name Shall Be Called

His Name Shall Be Called

In Isaiah 9:6 we are given five titles describing the character of Jesus. Before we look at these characteristics we ask to whom would He be manifest in these roles? Isaiah said it is “unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given”. Unto who, the Jewish race? Yes, because it was […]

Like Showers That Water The Earth

Like Showers That Water The Earth

God’s children are likened to a flock of sheep throughout scripture, and the prophet Ezekiel speaks of them as such. In 34:26 he says, “… I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.” This passage is eschatological with fulfillment in three stages, beginning now with the “church […]

The Beauty Of The Flowers

The Beauty Of The Flowers

An old song says, “Give me the roses while I live, trying to cheer me on; useless the flowers that you give after the soul is gone.” As we walk the “road of life” we are given the opportunity to be as a sweet perfume emanating the fragrance of Christ, and like the flowers that […]

When Jesus Prayed

When Jesus Prayed

In Luke “the Lord said, Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.” Repetition of a name was considered an expression of love, and I suspect that it would also spark attention to the importance of the message that would follow. Jesus spoke directly to Simon, possibly because […]

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