Devotionals & Poems

Vineyard laborers (Parables of Jesus part twenty)

As we continue looking at the parables of Jesus I will again point out that while being taught using a different picture, the main take away from various ones is very similar. With the repetition of truth we see its importance, also with different settings perhaps more will understand, and to be sure it helps to establish that truth in our hearts, as the Scripture says “Here a little, there a little” Isaiah 28:10. Today we are looking at Jesus teaching in Matthew 20:1-16 where He sets the stage for the kingdom of heaven being like a landowner/viticulturist hiring day workers for his vineyard at various times throughout the day, agreeing with the first group for a standard days wage, and telling the others they would receive what was right. At the end of the day each received a full day’s wage. Those who were hired first supposed they should receive more because they worked longer; but they received the amount promised, and that they had agreed to at their hiring! You see God is sovereign and He sets the wages or rewards, and our motive for service should not be how much we will receive; rather we should serve out of love knowing our heavenly Father (the land owner) will take proper care of us! The big take away that I see here is similar to that of the talents in Matthew 25 which is faithfulness! God’s rewards are not based on length of service or amount of results, but on faithfulness to our ability and calling, it is for fulfilling it with our might, see Ecclesiastes 9:10. “And let is not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” Galatians 6:9, yes for commanding our lifestyle and service from the heart and with a right motivation. Cf. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.

Vineyard laborers

By Rose Hill

If I will be faithful to the Lord’s command,

And work for my master the best I can.

Then the reward for mu labor will surely be,

The very best He has for me.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright …1882 by Thomas Nelson Co. Used by permission.

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