Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Kingdom

The Two Trees

The Two Trees

In Genesis 2 is the story of two trees, the one was life giving and life sustaining, and the other would bring death and all the side effects that came with it. God clearly laid out the choice before Adam warning that he should not partake of the second tree if he would choose life. […]

God’s Powerful Word

God’s Powerful Word

“The word became flesh and dwelt among us…”John 1:14. Just as God manifested Himself to the Hebrew people through the Tabernacle in the wilderness, so Jesus came to manifest Him to us by “Tabernacling” (or dwelling) among us so we can behold and experience His glory. He is God’s living and life changing word in […]

Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor?

A neighbor can be viewed as someone that lives close to you, but also as a fellowman, as the Greek word used by a lawyer in Luke 10:29 “And who is my neighbor?” as well as Webster bears out. As Jesus tells the parable of “The good Samaritan” in verses 25-39 of this chapter, a […]

Wonderful Works (part two)

Wonderful Works (part two)

Recently we thought about our wonderful Lord, and then about His wonderful works as He seeks to reveal Himself to us, now today we conclude this short series looking at His wonderful works in us. In Psalm 107 15-24, especially 16-20, “He has broken the gates of bronze, And cut the bars of iron in […]

Bread From Heaven

Bread From Heaven

About a month and a half after being miraculously brought out of Egypt by God His people run out of food and rather than trusting Him for more miracles they resort to complaining against Moses and Aaron, God’s  ordained leaders, which God considers to be against Him! Think twice before you find fault with those […]

Fellowship Of Believers

Fellowship Of Believers

In 1 John 1:3 we read these words, “That which we have seen and heard we declare to you…” Remember John had seen Jesus with his own physical eyes, and heard His words with his own physical ears and it was what he saw and heard that he was anxious to share with his Christian […]

Have You Seen The Glory?

Have You Seen The Glory?

In Exodus 33:18-20 Moses asked God to be shown His glory, to which God replied that Moses would see His goodness and hear the proclamation of His name, but could not physically look on His face. In due time God sent Jesus to become a part of mankind, and through Him we can see God’s […]



  It seems that the Judahites Thought of themselves as God’s chosen race that would always experience God’s good blessings, failing to keep in mind that those blessings are only attained to by abiding in and keeping His covenant. Because of blatant sin, moral decline, and rebellion, Babylon came against Jerusalem and captured it bringing […]

   All For Jesus

   All For Jesus

Imagine the excitement of a lad in the crowd around Jesus in John 6; when there is a need for food he offers his five barley loaves and two small fish, but Andrew  asks “what are they among so many?” But Jesus took that meager supply, which was obviously all the boy had, gave thanks […]

Your Light

Your Light

Peter, that famous Apostle, the one whose confession of faith is the bedrock and pillar of the Church as seen in Matthew 16:16-19, later wrote to the Church in his first epistle 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises […]