“The word became flesh and dwelt among us…”John 1:14. Just as God manifested Himself to the Hebrew people through the Tabernacle in the wilderness, so Jesus came to manifest Him to us by “Tabernacling” (or dwelling) among us so we can behold and experience His glory. He is God’s living and life changing word in […]
Posts tagged Kingdom
God’s Mysterious House
The Bible uses at least two metaphors explaining God’s house. One of them is found in 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 where the Apostle speaks of our physical body, which he describes as a tent, (a temporary dwelling), yet 1 Corinthians 6:19 says it is the temple or dwelling place of the Holy Spirit; however it will […]
The Vineyard Of The Lord
The Old Testament prophet Isaiah in his beautiful poetic style speaks or sings a song of his beloved’s (YEHOVAH, THE LORD GOD) vineyard as an allegory of Israel and Judah (the Old Testament church), in 5:1-7. The imagery is that of a well planned and cared for vineyard gone awry. Having carefully chosen and cared […]
Wonderful Works (Part One)
In a recent meditation we looked at the wonderfulness of our Lord, His Name, and glimpsed how wonderful He really is. Today we are continuing to look at His wonderfulness, particularly how He seeks to reveal Himself to us. In Psalm 40:5 the Psalmist David wrote, “Many, O Lord my God, are your wonderful works […]
“He who overcomes” in Revelation 2:7 speaks in terms of a military conflict. Since the conflict of the church is not against “flesh and blood”, though instrumentalities of flesh and blood may often raise it (in addition to our own fleshly lusts and desires), our battle is against the root cause, “against principalities, against powers, […]
It seems that the Judahites Thought of themselves as God’s chosen race that would always experience God’s good blessings, failing to keep in mind that those blessings are only attained to by abiding in and keeping His covenant. Because of blatant sin, moral decline, and rebellion, Babylon came against Jerusalem and captured it bringing […]
Your Light
Peter, that famous Apostle, the one whose confession of faith is the bedrock and pillar of the Church as seen in Matthew 16:16-19, later wrote to the Church in his first epistle 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises […]
Peter loved the Lord very dearly, yet in a moment of weakness he stumbled. Jesus in that wonderful foreknowledge of God knew this would happen and warned Peter in advance, adding, “I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail” Luke 22:31-32. What a wonderful thought that if we stumble in a moment […]